Scale-Out Processors (bibtex)
by Pejman Lotfi-Kamran, Boris Grot, Michael Ferdman, Stavros Volos, Onur Kocberber, Javier Picorel, Almutaz Adileh, Djordje Jevdjic, Sachin Idgunji, Emre Ozer, Babak Falsafi
Scale-Out Processors Pejman Lotfi-Kamran, Boris Grot, Michael Ferdman, Stavros Volos, Onur Kocberber, Javier Picorel, Almutaz Adileh, Djordje Jevdjic, Sachin Idgunji, Emre Ozer, Babak Falsafi, In 39th International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA), 2012.
Bibtex Entry:
  affiliation = {EPFL},
  author      = {Lotfi-Kamran, Pejman and Grot, Boris and Ferdman,
    Michael and Volos, Stavros and Kocberber, Onur and
      Picorel, Javier and Adileh, Almutaz and Jevdjic,
    Djordje and Idgunji, Sachin and Ozer, Emre and Falsafi,
  title       = {Scale-{O}ut {P}rocessors},
  unit        = {PARSA},
  booktitle = {39th International Symposium on Computer Architecture ({ISCA})},
  year        = 2012,
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