Quantifying the Mismatch between Emerging Scale-Out Applications and Modern Processors (bibtex)
by Michael Ferdman, Almutaz Adileh, Onur Kocberber, Stavros Volos, Mohammad Alisafaee, Djordje Jevdjic, Cansu Kaynak, Adrian Daniel Popescu, Anastasia Ailamaki, Babak Falsafi
Quantifying the Mismatch between Emerging Scale-Out Applications and Modern Processors Michael Ferdman, Almutaz Adileh, Onur Kocberber, Stavros Volos, Mohammad Alisafaee, Djordje Jevdjic, Cansu Kaynak, Adrian Daniel Popescu, Anastasia Ailamaki, Babak Falsafi, In ACM Transactions on Computer Systems (TOCS), ACM, volume 30, 2012.
Bibtex Entry:
  author      = {Ferdman, Michael and Adileh, Almutaz and Kocberber, Onur
                 and Volos, Stavros and Alisafaee, Mohammad and Jevdjic,
                 Djordje and Kaynak, Cansu and Popescu, Adrian Daniel and
                 Ailamaki, Anastasia and Falsafi, Babak},
  title = {Quantifying the Mismatch between Emerging Scale-Out Applications and Modern Processors},
  journal = {ACM Transactions on Computer Systems (TOCS)},
  issue_date = {November 2012},
  volume = {30},
  number = {4},
  year = {2012},
  issn = {0734-2071},
  pages = {15:1--15:24},
  articleno = {15},
  numpages = {24},
  acmid = {2382557},
  publisher = {ACM},
  address = {New York, NY, USA},
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