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6.3   Inspecting the Configuration

Object attributes that are of type integer, string or object are directly accessible at the command-line with the notation object->attribute:

# reading the EAX register in an x86 processor
simics> cpu0->eax
# writing a new value to EAX
simics> cpu0->eax = 10
simics> cpu0->eax

More information about the command-line and scripting is available in chapter 8.

The Eclipse-based User Interface includes a Configuration Browser that allows you to visually browse the complete state of the simulation.

Finally, objects and attributes (of all types) are also available when scripting Simics directly in Python. Configuration objects are available under the conf namespace:

# reading the EAX register in an x86 processor
simics> @conf.cpu0.eax
# writing a new value to EAX
simics> @conf.cpu0.eax = 10
simics> @conf.cpu0.eax

More information about scripting Simics in Python is available in chapter 8.

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