Swarm Model Checking on the GPU (bibtex)
by Richard DeFrancisco, Shenghsun Cho, Michael Ferdman, Scott A. Smolka
Swarm Model Checking on the GPU Richard DeFrancisco, Shenghsun Cho, Michael Ferdman, Scott A. Smolka, In International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer (Thomas Given-Wilson, Axel Legay, eds.), 2020.
Bibtex Entry:
 author="DeFrancisco, Richard and Cho, Shenghsun and Ferdman, Michael and Smolka, Scott A.",
 editor="Given-Wilson, Thomas and Legay, Axel",
 title="Swarm Model Checking on the {GPU}",
journal="International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer",
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