A VM-HDL Co-Simulation Framework for Systems with PCIe-Connected FPGAs (bibtex)
by Shenghsun Cho, Mrunal Patel, Basavaraj Kaladagi, Han Chen, Tapti Palit, Michael Ferdman, Peter Milder
A VM-HDL Co-Simulation Framework for Systems with PCIe-Connected FPGAs Shenghsun Cho, Mrunal Patel, Basavaraj Kaladagi, Han Chen, Tapti Palit, Michael Ferdman, Peter Milder, Technical report #839, Stony Brook CEAS, 2017.
Bibtex Entry:
 author = {Shenghsun Cho and Mrunal Patel and Basavaraj Kaladagi and Han Chen and Tapti Palit and Michael Ferdman and Peter Milder},
 title = {A {VM}-{HDL} {C}o-{S}imulation {F}ramework for {S}ystems with {PCI}e-{C}onnected {FPGA}s},
 year = {2017},
 month = {August},
 institution = {Stony Brook CEAS},
 number = {839},
 pdf = {https://compas.cs.stonybrook.edu/%7Emferdman/downloads.php/TR839_A_VM-HDL_Co-Simulation_Framework_for_Systems_with_PCIe-Connected_FPGAs.pdf},
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