x86-64 Instruction Usage Among C/C++ Applications (bibtex)
by Amogh Akshintala, Bhushan Jain, Chia-Che Tsai, Michael Ferdman, Donald E. Porter
x86-64 Instruction Usage Among C/C++ Applications Amogh Akshintala, Bhushan Jain, Chia-Che Tsai, Michael Ferdman, Donald E. Porter, In 12th ACM International Conference on Systems and Storage (SYSTOR), 2019.
Bibtex Entry:
  author = {Akshintala, Amogh and Jain, Bhushan and Tsai, Chia-Che and Ferdman, Michael and Porter, Donald E.},
  title = {x86-64 Instruction Usage Among C/C++ Applications},
  booktitle = {12th ACM International Conference on Systems and Storage (SYSTOR)},
  series = {SYSTOR '19},
  year = {2019},
  isbn = {978-1-4503-6749-3},
  location = {Haifa, Israel},
  pages = {68--79},
  numpages = {12},
  ee = {10.1145/3319647.3325833},
  acmid = {3325833},
  address = {New York, NY, USA},
  pdf     = {https://compas.cs.stonybrook.edu/%7Emferdman/downloads.php/SYSTOR19_x86-64_Instruction_Usage_among_C_Cpp_Applications.pdf}
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