The goals of this activity are threefold:
You should post your paper analyses on the course newsgroup. For each assigned paper, you should make at least 2 posts on that paper. For any paper you wish to discuss start a new post titled “On <the paper title>” — if one does not already exist — and select “paper-reading” as its folder.
Your postings should demonstrate that you have read and carefully analyzed the paper. Do not summarize the papers. For example, your postings can include:
For this assignment, you (in groups of 2) should pick one of the course topics marked as advanced on the Schedule page, prepare a short presentation to introduce that topic in one of the class meetings and then lead the class discussion on that topic for the rest of the meeting.
You will undertake a semester-long research project in this course. The goals of this project are twofold:
The project will have four deliverables:
I have a number of research ideas that you can choose from. You are also welcome to choose a topic of your own as long as it is related to parallel computing and prallel architectures. You are especially encouraged to work on topics related to your thesis/dissertation research if there are parallelism-related aspects to them. In any case, please make sure you talk to me and get my approval on the choice of topic before writing your project proposal.